Prof. Dr. Christina E. Bannier


Integrating Climate Risks in Bank Risk Management and Capital Requirements, 2024, Springer-Gabler, Open-Access

Nachhaltigkeit und Transformation im Unternehmen – Rechtlicher und strategischer Wegweiser für Vorstand, Aufsichtsrat und das Management, 2024, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, ISBN   978-3-7910-6328-7

Vertragstheorie –Eine Einführung mit finanzökonomischen Beispielen und Anwendungen, 2005, Springer

Information Dissemination in Currency Crises, 2003, Springer, Dissertation.

Working Papers

Principles for Impact Investments - Practical guidance for impact measurement, assessment and valuation (mit Timo Busch, Eric Pruessner, Hendrik Brosche, Young-jin Choi, Gunnar Friede, Andre Höck, Philipp Krüger, Michael Schmidt, Judith Ströhle, Roland Kölsch), 2024

European corporate sustainability reporting - The Financial Materiality Compass as an auxiliary tool (with Henry Flach),

Looking beyond ESG preferences: The role of sustainable finance literacy in sustainable investing (with Alix Auzepy and Florian Gärtner), 2024

Walk the Talk: Shareholders' Soft Engagement on Annual General Meetings (with Alix Auzepy and Fabio Martin),

Carbon footprints and equity risk assessments (with Alix Auzepy, Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock), link:

Corporate Ethics Programs -  Reducing risks or wasting money? Insights from the perspective of investors (with Anastasia Bauer, Yannik Bofinger and Corinna Ewelt-Knauer), link:

The Annual General Meeting revisited: CEO speeches and stock returns (with Thomas Pauls and Andreas Walter), link:

The role of financial literacy and confidence for entrepreneurship, (with Carolin Schürg and Milena Schwarz) 

Summarization in Financial Disclosures: Determinants and Effects of Prospectus Summaries (with Daniel Blaseg), link: 

Learning from the Bad Guys– What Investors Learn from Error Announcements over Time (with Corinna Ewelt-Knauer, Fabienne Hermann and Mohamed Khaled) 


Wie hältst du es mit der Corporate Governance? Auswertung der DCGK- Entsprechenserklärungen 2020-2023 (with Henry Flach), 2024, Die Aktiengesellschaft

Finanzielle Wesentlichkeit nach ESRS – Der Wesentlichkeitskompass als Hilfsmittel, 2024, (with Henry Flach), Econic

Taxonomie-Berichterstattung in DAX, MDAX und SDAX - Wie nachhaltig sind die deutschen Konzerne? 2024 (with Luisa Birkenfeld), ESGZ

Arbeitsstruktur und Vergütung deutscher Aufsichtsräte – Werden Arbeitsorganisation und Kompensation der DAX-, MDAX- und SDAX-Aufsichtsräte den gestiegenen Anforderungen gerecht?, 2023 (with Henry Flach), Die Wirtschaftsprüfung, Vol. 22, pp. 1266-1287

Are sustainability-linked loans designed to effectively incentivize corporate sustainability? A framework for review (with Alix Auzepy and Fabio Martin), 2023, Financial Management,

The risk-return tradeoff: Are sustainable investors compensated adequately? (with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock), 2023, Journal of Asset Management, DOI 10.1057/s41260-023-00303-6

What could possibly go wrong? Predictable misallocation in simple debt repayment experiments (with Florian Gärtner and Darwin Semmler), 2022, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation, Vol. 205, pp. 28-43,

Doing Safe by Doing Good: Non-Financial Reporting and the Risk Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility (with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock), 2022, European Accounting Review, DOI 10.1080/09638180.2022.2042349

Sustainability-Linked Loans: Effektive Unterstützung der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation durch Kreditfinanzierung (with Alix Auzepy), 2022, ESGZ (Zeitschrift für Nachhaltigkeit und Recht), pp. 40-45.

Vorstandsvergütung in DAX- und MDAX-Unternehmen (with Jan Reinschmidt), 2022, Die Wirtschaftsprüfung, Vol. 75, pp. 639-645

Zooming in on CSR: Which aspects of CSR are relevant for companies’ equity risk? (with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock), 2022, Corporate Finance, forthcoming

The sustainability trap: Active fund managers between ESG investing and fund overpricing (with Y. Bofinger, K. Heyden and B. Rock), 2021, Finance Research Letters,

The symmetry and asymmetry of bidder and target termination fees in acquisitions (with Corinna Ewelt-Knauer, Mohamed Khaled and Philipp Kölling), Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium,

Corporate social responsibility and credit risk (with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock) 2021, Finance Research Letters,

Effekte guter Corporate Governance - Die Rolle unternehmerischer Transparenz (with Julia Redenius-Hövermann), 2020, Zeitschrift für Corporate Governance, 06/2020, 246-252.

Differentiation and Risk Aversion in Imperfectly Competitive Labor Markets (with Eberhard Feess, Natalie Packham and Markus Walzl), 2020, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, forthcoming.

Benford's law and its application to detecting financial fraud and manipulation, 2020 (with Corinna Ewelt-Knauer, Johannes Lips and Peter Winker), in Carol Alexander und Douglas Cumming (Hrsg.): Corruption and Fraud in Financial Markets, Wiley, 473-504.

Rating Changes and Portfolio Flows: Evidence from Active and Passive Funds (with Thomas Heyden and Peter Tillmann), 2019, Economics Letters, 178, 37-45. 

The gender gap in “Bitcoin literacy” (with Tobias Meyll, Florian Röder and Andreas Walter), 2019, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 22, 129-134. 

The Glass Cliff Myth - Evidence from Germany and the UK (with Myriam Bechtoldt and Björn Rock), 2019, Leadership Quarterly, 30(3), 273-297.

Content analysis of business-specific text documents: Introducing a German dictionary (with Thomas Pauls and Andreas Walter), 2019, Journal of Business Economics, 89(1), 79-123. 

Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth (with Milena Schwarz), 2018, Journal of Economic Psychology, 67, 66-86. 

Cash-flow sensitivities of interdependent corporate decisions - The role of financial constraints and hedging needs (with Carolin Schürg), 2018, Credit and Capital Markets, 51(2), 259-292. 

Finanzwissen und Vorsorgesparverhalten (with Dennis Sinzig), 2018, Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 70(3), 243-275. 

Gender differences in financial risk taking: The role of financial literacy and risk tolerance (with Milena Neubert), 2016, Economics Letters, 145,  130-135. 

Bewertungsmethoden in der Projektfinanzierung Erneuerbarer Energien – Realoptionsanalyse vs. Kapitalwertmethode, 2016, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 68(1), 75-110. 

Characteristics and development of corporate and sovereign CDS (with Heinz Vogel and Tom Heidorn), 2014, Journal of Risk Finance, 15(5), 482-509. 

SMEs’ growth heterogeneity – Evidence from regional developments (with Sabrina Zahn), 2014, International Journal of Business Administration, 5(2),  23-49. 

Competition, bonuses, and risk-taking in the banking industry (with Eberhard Feess and Natalie Packham), 2013, Review of Finance, 17, 653-690. 

Are SMEs large firms en miniature? – Evidence from the growth of German SMEs (with Sabrina Zahn), 2012, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 17 (2), 220-248. 

The economic function of credit rating agencies - What does the watchlist tell us? (with Christian Hirsch), 2010, Journal of Banking and Finance,  34 (12), 3037-3049. 

Rating opaque borrowers: why are unsolicted ratings lower? (with Patrick Behr and André Güttler), 2010, Review of Finance, 14 (3), 263-294. 

Stabilität versus Aktualität - Wann sind stabile Agency-Ratings marktbasierten Bewertungen vorzuziehen?, 2010, Kredit und Kapital, Nr. 3/2010, 349-374. 

Is there a hold-up benefit in heterogeneous multiple bank financing?, 2010, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics,  166(4), 641-661. 

Open-End Real Estate Funds in Germany – Genesis and Crisis (with Falko Fecht and Marcel Tyrell), 2008, Kredit und Kapital, Nr. 1/2008, 9-36. 

Heterogeneous multiple bank financing: does it reduce inefficient credit-renegotiation incidences?, 2007, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 21, 445-470. 

The Role of Information Disclosure and Uncertainty in the 1994/95 Mexican Peso Crisis: Empirical Evidence, 2006, Review of International Economics, 14(5), 883-909. 

Big Elephants in Small Ponds: Do Large Traders Make Financial Markets More Aggressive?, 2005, Journal of Monetary Economics, 52(8), 1517-1531. 

Optimal Transparency and Risk-Taking to Avoid Currency Crises (with Frank Heinemann), 2005, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 161(3), 374-391. 

Private and Public Information in Self-Fulfilling Currency Crises, 2002, Journal of Economics, 76(1), 65-85.