Prof. Dr. Christina E. Bannier

I am a Professor of Banking & Finance at Justus-Liebig-University Gießen and Head of the Sustainable Governance Lab.

Previously, I held professorships at Gutenberg University Mainz, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and Leibniz University Hannover.

In addition to my academic activities, I am currently a member of the Supervisory Board of DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA, Clearstream Banking AG as well as Eurex Clearing AG and member of the Board of the German Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management (DVFA).

Both my practice-oriented work and research focuses on sustainable investing / finance, sustainable governance, compliance (AML) and risk. I care deeply about bringing together rigorous academic research results and real-life concerns in the area of sustainability and governance. The first step here is usually the collection (and later analysis) of high-quality data. See also the research section on this webpage.

I have held research cooperations with Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin), Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Deutsche Bundesbank, Deutsche Vereinigung für Finanzanalyse und Asset Management (DVFA), DZ Bank Stiftung, Frankfurter Institut für Risikomanagement und Regulierung, Union Investment Institutional GmbH, Wissenschaftsförderung der Sparkassen Finanzgruppe